Maximized Living: New Rankings for US Healthcare System

April 11th, 2022 by dayat No comments »

The American healthcare system continues to crumble. Bankruptcy due to medical expenses is at an all time high. While the health of Americans is at an all time low. From medical errors, unnecessary procedures, and drug prescription side effects to increases in heart disease, cancer, and degenerative illness, the truth continues to be uncovered. Startling statistics are being yanked from the most respected scientific journals to prove our medical system is clearly not only not getting people well, it is harming the people more than it is helping.

The latest report published in Health Affairs reveals the United States is 49th in life expectancy and rank 41st in infant mortality rates. If those numbers don’t strike a nerve with you, remember there are people you know putting their faith in life in the hands of our healthcare system. In America, we put the most money into healthcare. We have the best hospitals, best technology, put most money put towards medical research, and our rankings have dropped 20 spots in the last seven years! How is that possible? The answer is simple. The system is broken and it does not work at getting people well. In fact, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine described the American healthcare system this way; “The American healthcare system is at once the most expensive and the most inadequate system in the developed world.”

Until fraudulent activities are stopped between governing agencies, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies; until alternative measures other than drugs and surgery are explored to get people well; until we have enough Americans who have had enough of the increased disease, depression, suicides, and infants dying; until families across the country decide they will not put their family’s health on the line in this system; until there is a radical paradigm shift in American healthcare: you can expect the numbers to drop again seven years from now. The medical model of healthcare was designed for emergencies only! Use it for emergencies only, and decide now to take control of your health.

For real healthcare and true prevention, don’t rely on a broken system. The Maximized Living view is health care and not medical or wellness-based disease care. If you’re sick, follow the 5 Essentials to become a healthy person again. Most importantly, if you’re already healthy – follow the 5 Essentials and stay healthy! If you look at the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living and study the available research done for each, you’ll find 1000′s of studies showing their positive impact on cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, childhood disease, pain, depression, etc. However, unlike the current health care model – it’s not about “treating” disease, it’s about living. It’s about a lifestyle that does not interfere with the body’s physiology, function, or structure – thus allowing the body to produce health. It’s treating health – not treating disease.

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